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时间:2012-10-31 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]




英文原文:Advanced integrated sustainable biotechnological bioenergetic climate and environment protection (BeBiCliEnv) system for various use of microalgae (12 HU 50S2 3NVI)


The Hungarian SME dealing with bioenergetics, climate and environmental protection offers an integrated system. The combination of renewable energetic, biotechnological, climate change and environmental protection processes are adaptable to greenhouse gas conversion necessity, territorial conditions and specific needs. Main advantages of the system are zero carbon emission and economic efficiency. The company is looking for investors, financial and technical commercial cooperation partners.

上一篇:荷兰公司提供维系肌肉力量的站立机械椅 下一篇文章:希腊研发者提供公交车和其他重型车辆安全系统专利技术
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