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时间:2012-10-31 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]




英文原文:Chemical milling of stainless steel castings (12 SE 6721 3QDD)


A Swedish company is looking for a manufacturer who uses chemical milling to reduce the dimensions of stainless steel castings. The steel parts have the dimensions 150x150x150 millimetres or alternatively 100x30x5 millimetres. A subcontracting agreement of a series of 10-20 components is initially targeted as well as a technical co-operation and technical consultancy.


上一篇:土耳其公司寻求用于修复和更新炊具底部系统 下一篇文章:瑞典寻求通过三维扫描快速设计专业矫形技术或系统
主办:南充生产力促进中心 南充市技术转移中心  版权所有:南充市技术转移中心  WWW.NCKJCX.COM
电话:0817-2237820 0817-8119968  E_mail:kefu@nckjcx.com  地址:南充市科苑街61号
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