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时间:2012-11-09 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]





 Development of processes and products based on microencapsulation for applications in different sectors (12 FR 34k3 3QHO)| France |OFFER|15.10.2012

 A French SME specialized in microencapsulation technologies offers a complete product development service including: concept design, encapsulation problem solving, process development and scale-up. The company's unique pluritechnological expertise allows the development of a custom-designed process which takes into account the characteristics of the ingredient or active compound to be encapsulated. Companies and R&D entities are sought for technical cooperation and common EU R&D&I projects.

上一篇:瑞典寻求通过三维扫描快速设计专业矫形技术或系统 下一篇文章:西班牙公司提供数字资讯直观内容管理系统,寻求技术合作
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