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时间:2012-11-26 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

    合作类型:技术     行业类别: 纺织,皮革和鞋类         过期时间:2015年08月13日  



Socks for diabetics, people with mycosis or sensitive feet (12 PT 65BN 3Q7K)| Portugal | OFFER |31.10.2012
Portuguese startup, working in the development of new textiles, has developed innovative socks that can be used by people with sensitive feet, mycosis or health problems like diabetes. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or technical co-operation with pharmacies and companies that work with medical textiles to further develop the product in order to adapt it to other types of diseases, test it on different types of skins and increase its effects.


上一篇:德国企业提供气密性好,耐高温的玻璃纤维增强塑料管道 下一篇文章:希腊企业提供新型水下遥控装置
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