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时间:2012-11-26 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

       合作类型:技术     行业类别: 环境保护       过期时间:2015年08月13日 



New underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) (09 GR 49Q1 3FZR)| Greece | OFFER |31.10.2012
Greek SME presents a new design of underwater ROV. The product is very versatile, with great characteristics and field performance. The company has encompassed in this very product its long standing experience and expertise in underwater inspection and survey works in offshore waters. The company is looking for various types of collaboration.


上一篇:葡萄牙公司提供一种针对患有真菌病或敏感脚的人士而设计的新型袜 下一篇文章:葡萄牙公司提供覆盖实验室分析工作流程的管理方案(LIMS)
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