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时间:2012-11-26 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

    合作类型:技术     行业类别: 工业制造        过期时间:2015年08月13日 



Brussels SME looking for Stirling engines to be integrated into solar parabolic concentrators (12 BE 0213 3OGU) | Belgium| REQUEST |29.10.2012
Brussels SME seeks Stirling engine or similar to integrate into solar parabolic concentrators. This integration will not aim at large concentrating solar power plants but at individual, site-based installations. The idea is to have one unique technology to produce electricity and indoor heating/cooling. The company is looking for partners producing Stirling engine or integrated solutions (solar parabolic concentrators with Stirling engine) and is open to all sort of technical partnerships


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