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时间:2013-07-17 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

合作类型:技术     行业类别: 医疗设备    过期时间:20160403    




英文原文:A UK Research Organisation is offering its very low cost, portable/handheld, ultrasound scanner to companies and organisations developing new technologies for ultrasound scanning. The main advantage is the very low manufacturing cost of the technology compared to current portable scanners. The organisation is looking for collaborative and/or licence opportunities with a suitable industrial partner who can take the next steps of commercializing the technology. The scanner is about the size of a computer mouse, is universally connectable to computer devices using USB, very low cost of manufacture compared to similar products and has a power output that is 10-100 times lower than conventional hospital ultrasounds. As UN statistics estimate more than 250,000 women die annually from complications during pregnancy or childbirth, with almost all of them 99 per cent in developing countries, lack of access to equipment is cited as one of the key factors. The device offers companies a significant market opportunity as well as providing wider economic benefits . The technology also has the potential of being used in other medical diagnostic applications which are still to be investigated.

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