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时间:2013-12-12 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

合作类型:技术     行业类别: 环境保护     过期时间:20160620    




英文原文:A UK manufacturer of consumer goods is searching for technologies for rapid identification of airborne microbial contamination, to genus level. Solutions must be at least as sensitive as the contact plate method but faster. They must be suitable for high volume manufacturing. The nature of the technology has no limitations. The type of collaboration may vary and will depend on the stage of development. The test should provide adequate and reliable data i.e. is as sensitive as the contact plate method; ? Capable of being validated; ? Cost effective (appropriate for high volume manufacturing); ? Allow rapid microbe detection and identification (at least to genus level); ? Quantify the contaminating microorganism; ? Differentiate between viable and non-viable cells; ? Minimal training requirements for sample collection.


上一篇:英国企业提供高速率污水处理系统 下一篇文章:芬兰公司寻求用于特殊医疗保健的生命迹象测量装置和传感器
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