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时间:2013-12-12 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

合作类型:技术     行业类别: 医疗设备     过期时间:20160620    




英文原文:A French IT company specialized in mHealth solutions for home-care management and assisted-living communities is searching for domotics equipements, medical devices, open-protocol Bluetooth and WIFI sensors. They want to integrate their tablet-based software into new devices and thus extend their products portfolio and software implementations. Supplying and technical cooperation is expected to make the new devices compatible with their tablet-based solution. Supply the devices and the technical information for software implementation (frequency, modulation, contactless communication protocols).

上一篇:芬兰公司寻求用于特殊医疗保健的生命迹象测量装置和传感器 下一篇文章:法国企业寻求从再生能源中生产压缩空气的技术
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电话:0817-2237820 0817-8119968  E_mail:kefu@nckjcx.com  地址:南充市科苑街61号
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