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时间:2015-08-31 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 字号:[ ]

合作类型:技术   行业类别: 医疗设备  过期时间:20180521     




A German university hospital and a Spanish research center have developed a new approach for tremor management. The approach is based on a neuroprosthetic device for monitoring and suppression of pathological tremor in a patient via the stimulation of peripheral afferent pathways. The resulting afferent inflow projects into the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain). An innovative medical device company is sought for licensing agreements.


Pathological tremor can be defined as a strong involuntary oscillatory movement of a body part. Patients are usually treated with drugs or surgery, but up to 25% of them do not benefit from any of these treatments.

The distinct approach, developed by a German university hospital and a Spanish research center, provides a neuroprosthetic device for both monitoring and suppression of pathological tremor in a user via neurostimulation of the peripheral afferent pathways (sensory nerves). This implies an alternative treatment to the reduction of tremor in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. The device consists of a neuroprosthesis (implanted or transcutaneous) to reduce the tremor, integrating all the electronics by bioelectrical sensors (e.g. electromyography / EMG) or biomechanical movement sensors (e.g. inertial measurement units). The electronics is integrated into a textile substrate to be worn on the human upper limb with a set of electrodes (implantable or transcutaneous) for neurostimulation. This device, in addition to suppressing tremor, may be a tremor-monitoring tool during the patient's daily life. Furthermore, the proposed method allows adapting automatically the neuromodulation strategy to the different conditions of tremor movement for each patient.

The neuroprosthesis is easy to use and self-contained: the acquisition, control electronics and power supply is incorporated into the neuroprosthetic device, thus enabling the independence of the patients, and maximize their time out of the care centers, saving costs associated with medical care.

Industrial partner (medical company) is sought for a license agreement.

Type and Role of Partners Sought:

- Type of partner sought: Industrial partner

- Specific area of activity of the partner: Healthcare

- Task to be performed by the partner sought: Further development, bringing the approach to the market under a license agreement.

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